Questions *
and answers: general
and answers: general *

What is Water Drop LA?
Founded in 2020, Water Drop LA is a grassroots nonprofit and community organization. Each week, we bring about 2,200 gallons of water into Skid Row with the help of our volunteers. We have been in operation for over 200 Sundays and counting.

Do you have any other volunteer opportunities outside of Sunday drops?
Yes! All volunteers are welcomed to our weekly meetings on Mondays at 7pm PST. Here, volunteers can learn more about our back-end work and our working committees! To learn more, please email volunteer@waterdropla.org.

Are you going to keep hauling water forever?
Hopefully not! In the long term, WDLA would like to make ourselves irrelevant via systemic and policy change. Our primary advocacy objective is for the City of LA to install and maintain permanent water infrastructure in Skid Row and for all Angelenos. Our secondary advocacy objective is to create a lasting coalition of organizations and individuals invested in ensuring water access for underserved residents in the region. We hope to train leaders within Skid Row’s unhoused community to advocate for the changes they want to see with support from our coalitional partners. Our intermediate objective is to increase visibility, education, and mobilization around issues of water insecurity faced by urban residents. While we understand permanent water security is contingent on quality housing for all, efforts to improve public water infrastructure is a means to create large and permanent sources of clean drinking water.