Our Work
Water Drops, Partner Water, and More

Water Drops
Every Sunday, Water Drop distributes
2,200+ gallons of water
To this day, Water Drop has completed
240+ Water Drops
We now average
50+ weekly volunteers

Water Drop is currently the only organization operating in Los Angeles that focuses primarily on distributing clean drinking water at a large-scale, despite the over 75,000 people who are experiencing homelessness in LA County. Each week, we purchase eight to nine pallets of water from wholesale suppliers and distribute water to about 1,300 water-insecure people every Sunday.
Sign up to volunteer & learn about our advocacy!

Partner Alianza Nacional de Campesinas
On a monthly basis, the Water Drop team partners with and supports the Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, who are based in the Coachella Valley. Volunteers help sort through produce and set up the distribution so that farmworkers and their families are able to receive water, fresh produce, and other supplies directly into their cars.

COVID-19 Testing
We provide rapid antigen COVID testing to our volunteers and community members at every Water Drop. We believe COVID testing plays a pivotal role in containing and mitigating the spread of viral diseases, and in protecting our most vulnerable community members and ourselves.

Partner Water
Through our partner water program, Water Drop provides water to other no-barrier organizations in Los Angeles. Water Drop partners with other organizations twice a year and also redistributes any extra water we may have whenever possible. We believe that engaging in mutual aid with other organizations is a pillar to sustaining our community values.
If you are an organization interested in partnering with us, keep an eye out on our socials to stay informed as to when we open our partner water application.
For other mutual aid resources, check out Mutual Aid LA here.